Minggu, 26 Juli 2009

Flash in HTML

Flash Embedded in HTML

After creating a Flash movie you choose File > Save As from the top menu to save your movie. Save the file as "Somefilename.fla".

To embed the Flash movie you just made into an HTML page, you should go back to your Flash program and do the following steps:

Step 1
Choose File > Open. Open a Flash movie you have created.

Step 2
Choose File > Export Movie.

Step 3
Name the file "somefilename.swf". Choose the location where the file is to be stored (in your Web folder). Click OK.

Step 4
Open the HTML page where you want to insert your Flash movie. Insert this code:

Note: This is the minimum code you need to embed a Flash movie in a browser. A broken icon will appear on the Web page if the user does not have the Flash plug-in installed.

Note: In the code above there is both an tag and an tag. This is because the tag is recognized by Internet Explorer, and Netscape recognizes the tag and ignores the tag.

Step 5
Type in the address of the HTML file in your browser and look at your first Flash movie

Flash in HTML

home next

Flash Embedded in HTML

After creating a Flash movie you choose File > Save As from the top menu to save your movie. Save the file as "Somefilename.fla".

To embed the Flash movie you just made into an HTML page, you should go back to your Flash program and do the following steps:

Step 1
Choose File > Open. Open a Flash movie you have created.

Step 2
Choose File > Export Movie.

Step 3
Name the file "somefilename.swf". Choose the location where the file is to be stored (in your Web folder). Click OK.

Step 4
Open the HTML page where you want to insert your Flash movie. Insert this code:

Note: This is the minimum code you need to embed a Flash movie in a browser. A broken icon will appear on the Web page if the user does not have the Flash plug-in installed.

Note: In the code above there is both an tag and an tag. This is because the tag is recognized by Internet Explorer, and Netscape recognizes the tag and ignores the tag.

Step 5
Type in the address of the HTML file in your browser and look at your first Flash movie.

Let the Flash Program do the Work

The code above is the absolute minimum code to embed Flash movies in HTML pages. It is not recommended to use the minimum code. There should be a few more attributes added:

  • classid is an attribute to the tag. It tells Internet Explorer to load the ActiveX plug-in if it is not installed
  • pluginspage is an attribute to the tag. It displays a link to the Shockwave download page if Netscape does not have it
  • The Flash program can add these attributes for you:

    Step 1
    Choose File > Publish. Flash will now create the , , and tags for you. It will also create the classid and pluginspage attributes.

    Step 2
    Open the HTML document that Flash created, view the HTML source and copy the code into your HTML page where you want your Flash movie.

    Step 3
    Be sure that you have the "somefilename.swf" in your Web folder.

    Step 4
    Type in the address of the HTML file in your browser and look at your first Flash movie.


Kamis, 04 Juni 2009


1. Create new file with 72 PPI and white background. The mode has to be Grayscale. Type the text with thick font.

2. Select > Load Selection

(Choose Layer Transparency)

3. Layer > Flatten Image

4. Select > Inverse

5. Filter > Pixelate > Crystallize (cell size 4)

6. Select > Inverse

7. Noise > Add Noise

(Guassian, Monochromatic, Amount. 70)

8. Blur > Guassian blur (Radius 2.0)

9. Image > Adjust > Curve
(make the curve as shown in fig.)

10. Press Ctrl + D to deselect

11. Image > Adjust > Invert

12. Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CW

13. Filter > Stylize > Wind

14. Method : Wind Direction : From the Right

15. Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CCW

16. Image > Mode > RGB

17. Image > Adjust > Hue Saturation

18. Click Colorize

19. Drag the Saturation slider to 100

20. Drag the Lightness slider to -5

Senin, 04 Mei 2009

Learn InDesign CS3 Tutorial

What you’ll learn in this lesson:

  • Boosting your InDesign productivity
  • Enhancing text formatting
  • Expanding your creative capabilities
  • Using enhanced table formatting tricks

What’s New in InDesign CS3?

InDesign CS3 is a significant step forward in page-layout software. Whether you are a creative professional or a production artist, InDesign CS3 includes enhancements that make it easier to produce and distribute compelling content. We’ve highlighted some of the program’s key new features in this lesson, and included references to the lessons in which they’re discussed in more detail.


Learn Illustrator CS3 Tutorial

What you’ll learn in this lesson:

  • Working with the dynamic Control panel
  • Creating & saving custom workspaces
  • Finding stored colors and libraries
  • Working in isolation mode
  • Integrating Flash and Illustrator

What’s New in Adobe Illustrator CS3?

Welcome to Illustrator CS3! This lesson is a preview of some of the great new features now available in Illustrator CS3. From the more prominent changes, like the new streamlined interface, to the more under-the-hood improvements, like the enhanced operating performance, Illustrator CS3 is an impressive program with much to offer to experienced and new users alike. Continue through this lesson to get your toes wet before diving in.


Kamis, 30 April 2009


What you’ll learn in this lesson:

  • Exploring Dreamweaver’s primary features
  • Introducing new features in CS3
  • Understanding how web sites and web pages work
  • Coding HTML/XHTML: the basics

Dreamweaver CS3 Jumpstart

Whether you are a novice web designer or an experienced developer, Dreamweaver is a comprehensive tool you can use for site design, layout, and management. In this lesson, you’ll take a tour of Dreamweaver’s key features and get a better understanding of how web pages work.



What you’ll learn in this lesson:

  • Merging images
  • Using Smart Filters
  • Using the new
    selection tools
  • Working with text
  • Using unsharp masking
  • Using Camera Raw

What’s New in Adobe Photoshop CS3?

Welcome to Photoshop CS3! In this lesson, you’ll get a look at many of the new features, such as easier-to-use selection tools, improved Vanishing Point, and Live Filter. You will also explore these features in more detail in the lessons that follow.

A different Photoshop for different users

In this release of Photoshop, there are two versions: Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop CS3 Extended. Don’t worry about one being better than the other; that is not necessarily true. Photoshop CS3 in any flavor is a full, digital editing application. Photoshop CS3 Extended includes additional features geared toward industries such as multimedia, animation, film, architecture, engineering construction (AEC), manufacturing, and medical professions. In this lesson, the features mentioned are included in both Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop CS3 Extended.


Rabu, 01 April 2009