Minggu, 26 Juli 2009

Flash in HTML

Flash Embedded in HTML

After creating a Flash movie you choose File > Save As from the top menu to save your movie. Save the file as "Somefilename.fla".

To embed the Flash movie you just made into an HTML page, you should go back to your Flash program and do the following steps:

Step 1
Choose File > Open. Open a Flash movie you have created.

Step 2
Choose File > Export Movie.

Step 3
Name the file "somefilename.swf". Choose the location where the file is to be stored (in your Web folder). Click OK.

Step 4
Open the HTML page where you want to insert your Flash movie. Insert this code:

Note: This is the minimum code you need to embed a Flash movie in a browser. A broken icon will appear on the Web page if the user does not have the Flash plug-in installed.

Note: In the code above there is both an tag and an tag. This is because the tag is recognized by Internet Explorer, and Netscape recognizes the tag and ignores the tag.

Step 5
Type in the address of the HTML file in your browser and look at your first Flash movie

Flash in HTML

home next

Flash Embedded in HTML

After creating a Flash movie you choose File > Save As from the top menu to save your movie. Save the file as "Somefilename.fla".

To embed the Flash movie you just made into an HTML page, you should go back to your Flash program and do the following steps:

Step 1
Choose File > Open. Open a Flash movie you have created.

Step 2
Choose File > Export Movie.

Step 3
Name the file "somefilename.swf". Choose the location where the file is to be stored (in your Web folder). Click OK.

Step 4
Open the HTML page where you want to insert your Flash movie. Insert this code:

Note: This is the minimum code you need to embed a Flash movie in a browser. A broken icon will appear on the Web page if the user does not have the Flash plug-in installed.

Note: In the code above there is both an tag and an tag. This is because the tag is recognized by Internet Explorer, and Netscape recognizes the tag and ignores the tag.

Step 5
Type in the address of the HTML file in your browser and look at your first Flash movie.

Let the Flash Program do the Work

The code above is the absolute minimum code to embed Flash movies in HTML pages. It is not recommended to use the minimum code. There should be a few more attributes added:

  • classid is an attribute to the tag. It tells Internet Explorer to load the ActiveX plug-in if it is not installed
  • pluginspage is an attribute to the tag. It displays a link to the Shockwave download page if Netscape does not have it
  • The Flash program can add these attributes for you:

    Step 1
    Choose File > Publish. Flash will now create the , , and tags for you. It will also create the classid and pluginspage attributes.

    Step 2
    Open the HTML document that Flash created, view the HTML source and copy the code into your HTML page where you want your Flash movie.

    Step 3
    Be sure that you have the "somefilename.swf" in your Web folder.

    Step 4
    Type in the address of the HTML file in your browser and look at your first Flash movie.


Kamis, 04 Juni 2009


1. Create new file with 72 PPI and white background. The mode has to be Grayscale. Type the text with thick font.

2. Select > Load Selection

(Choose Layer Transparency)

3. Layer > Flatten Image

4. Select > Inverse

5. Filter > Pixelate > Crystallize (cell size 4)

6. Select > Inverse

7. Noise > Add Noise

(Guassian, Monochromatic, Amount. 70)

8. Blur > Guassian blur (Radius 2.0)

9. Image > Adjust > Curve
(make the curve as shown in fig.)

10. Press Ctrl + D to deselect

11. Image > Adjust > Invert

12. Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CW

13. Filter > Stylize > Wind

14. Method : Wind Direction : From the Right

15. Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CCW

16. Image > Mode > RGB

17. Image > Adjust > Hue Saturation

18. Click Colorize

19. Drag the Saturation slider to 100

20. Drag the Lightness slider to -5

Senin, 04 Mei 2009

Learn InDesign CS3 Tutorial

What you’ll learn in this lesson:

  • Boosting your InDesign productivity
  • Enhancing text formatting
  • Expanding your creative capabilities
  • Using enhanced table formatting tricks

What’s New in InDesign CS3?

InDesign CS3 is a significant step forward in page-layout software. Whether you are a creative professional or a production artist, InDesign CS3 includes enhancements that make it easier to produce and distribute compelling content. We’ve highlighted some of the program’s key new features in this lesson, and included references to the lessons in which they’re discussed in more detail.


Learn Illustrator CS3 Tutorial

What you’ll learn in this lesson:

  • Working with the dynamic Control panel
  • Creating & saving custom workspaces
  • Finding stored colors and libraries
  • Working in isolation mode
  • Integrating Flash and Illustrator

What’s New in Adobe Illustrator CS3?

Welcome to Illustrator CS3! This lesson is a preview of some of the great new features now available in Illustrator CS3. From the more prominent changes, like the new streamlined interface, to the more under-the-hood improvements, like the enhanced operating performance, Illustrator CS3 is an impressive program with much to offer to experienced and new users alike. Continue through this lesson to get your toes wet before diving in.


Kamis, 30 April 2009


What you’ll learn in this lesson:

  • Exploring Dreamweaver’s primary features
  • Introducing new features in CS3
  • Understanding how web sites and web pages work
  • Coding HTML/XHTML: the basics

Dreamweaver CS3 Jumpstart

Whether you are a novice web designer or an experienced developer, Dreamweaver is a comprehensive tool you can use for site design, layout, and management. In this lesson, you’ll take a tour of Dreamweaver’s key features and get a better understanding of how web pages work.



What you’ll learn in this lesson:

  • Merging images
  • Using Smart Filters
  • Using the new
    selection tools
  • Working with text
  • Using unsharp masking
  • Using Camera Raw

What’s New in Adobe Photoshop CS3?

Welcome to Photoshop CS3! In this lesson, you’ll get a look at many of the new features, such as easier-to-use selection tools, improved Vanishing Point, and Live Filter. You will also explore these features in more detail in the lessons that follow.

A different Photoshop for different users

In this release of Photoshop, there are two versions: Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop CS3 Extended. Don’t worry about one being better than the other; that is not necessarily true. Photoshop CS3 in any flavor is a full, digital editing application. Photoshop CS3 Extended includes additional features geared toward industries such as multimedia, animation, film, architecture, engineering construction (AEC), manufacturing, and medical professions. In this lesson, the features mentioned are included in both Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop CS3 Extended.


Rabu, 01 April 2009



JavaScript is used in millions of Web pages to improve the design, validate forms, detect browsers, create cookies, and much more.

JavaScript is the most popular scripting language on the internet, and works in all major browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera.

What You Should Already Know

Before you continue you should have a basic understanding of the following:


If you want to study these subjects first, find the tutorials on our Home page.

What is JavaScript?

* JavaScript was designed to add interactivity to HTML pages
* JavaScript is a scripting language
* A scripting language is a lightweight programming language
* JavaScript is usually embedded directly into HTML pages
* JavaScript is an interpreted language (means that scripts execute without preliminary compilation)
* Everyone can use JavaScript without purchasing a license

Are Java and JavaScript the Same?


Java and JavaScript are two completely different languages in both concept and design!

Java (developed by Sun Microsystems) is a powerful and much more complex programming language - in the same category as C and C++.

What can a JavaScript Do?

* JavaScript gives HTML designers a programming tool - HTML authors are normally not programmers, but JavaScript is a scripting language with a very simple syntax! Almost anyone can put small "snippets" of code into their HTML pages
* JavaScript can put dynamic text into an HTML page - A JavaScript statement like this: document.write("

" + name + "

") can write a variable text into an HTML page
* JavaScript can react to events - A JavaScript can be set to execute when something happens, like when a page has finished loading or when a user clicks on an HTML element
* JavaScript can read and write HTML elements - A JavaScript can read and change the content of an HTML element
* JavaScript can be used to validate data - A JavaScript can be used to validate form data before it is submitted to a server. This saves the server from extra processing
* JavaScript can be used to detect the visitor's browser - A JavaScript can be used to detect the visitor's browser, and - depending on the browser - load another page specifically designed for that browser
* JavaScript can be used to create cookies - A JavaScript can be used to store and retrieve information on the visitor's computer

The Real Name is ECMAScript

JavaScript's official name is "ECMAScript". The standard is developed and maintained by the ECMA organisation.

ECMA-262 is the official JavaScript standard. The standard is based on JavaScript (Netscape) and JScript (Microsoft).

The language was invented by Brendan Eich at Netscape (with Navigator 2.0), and has appeared in all Netscape and Microsoft browsers since 1996.

The development of ECMA-262 started in 1996, and the first edition of was adopted by the ECMA General Assembly in June 1997.

The standard was approved as an international ISO (ISO/IEC 16262) standard in 1998.

The development of the standard is still in progress.

JavaScript How To


The code above will produce this output on an HTML page:
Hello World!
Example Explained

To insert a JavaScript into an HTML page, we use the tells where the JavaScript starts and ends:

The word document.write is a standard JavaScript command for writing output to a page.

By entering the document.write command between the tags, the browser will recognize it as a JavaScript command and execute the code line. In this case the browser will write Hello World! to the page:

Try it yourself

Note: If we had not entered the

The two forward slashes at the end of comment line (//) is the JavaScript comment symbol. This prevents JavaScript from executing the --> tag.

Where to Put the JavaScript

JavaScripts in a page will be executed immediately while the page loads into the browser. This is not always what we want. Sometimes we want to execute a script when a page loads, other times when a user triggers an event.

Scripts in the head section: Scripts to be executed when they are called, or when an event is triggered, go in the head section. When you place a script in the head section, you will ensure that the script is loaded before anyone uses it.

Scripts in the body section: Scripts to be executed when the page loads go in the body section. When you place a script in the body section it generates the content of the page.

Scripts in both the body and the head section: You can place an unlimited number of scripts in your document, so you can have scripts in both the body and the head section.

Using an External JavaScript

Sometimes you might want to run the same JavaScript on several pages, without having to write the same script on every page.

To simplify this, you can write a JavaScript in an external file. Save the external JavaScript file with a .js file extension.

Note: The external script cannot contain the

Note: Remember to place the script exactly where you normally would write the script!

Senin, 30 Maret 2009


PHP is a powerful server-side scripting language for creating dynamic and interactive websites.

PHP is the widely-used, free, and efficient alternative to competitors such as Microsoft's ASP. PHP is perfectly suited for Web development and can be embedded directly into the HTML code.

The PHP syntax is very similar to Perl and C. PHP is often used together with Apache (web server) on various operating systems. It also supports ISAPI and can be used with Microsoft's IIS on Windows.

Introduction to PHP

PHP is a server-side scripting language.
What You Should Already Know

Before you continue you should have a basic understanding of the following:

* Some scripting knowledge

What is PHP?

* PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
* PHP is a server-side scripting language, like ASP
* PHP scripts are executed on the server
* PHP supports many databases (MySQL, Informix, Oracle, Sybase, Solid, PostgreSQL, Generic ODBC, etc.)
* PHP is an open source software
* PHP is free to download and use

What is a PHP File?

* PHP files can contain text, HTML tags and scripts
* PHP files are returned to the browser as plain HTML
* PHP files have a file extension of ".php", ".php3", or ".phtml"

What is MySQL?

* MySQL is a database server
* MySQL is ideal for both small and large applications
* MySQL supports standard SQL
* MySQL compiles on a number of platforms
* MySQL is free to download and use


* PHP combined with MySQL are cross-platform (you can develop in Windows and serve on a Unix platform)

Why PHP?

* PHP runs on different platforms (Windows, Linux, Unix, etc.)
* PHP is compatible with almost all servers used today (Apache, IIS, etc.)
* PHP is FREE to download from the official PHP resource: www.php.net
* PHP is easy to learn and runs efficiently on the server side

Where to Start?

To get access to a web server with PHP support, you can:

* Install Apache (or IIS) on your own server, install PHP, and MySQL
* Or find a web hosting plan with PHP and MySQL support

PHP Installation

What do You Need?

If your server supports PHP you don't need to do anything. Just create some .php files in your web directory, and the server will parse them for you. Because it is free, most web hosts offer PHP support.

However, if your server does not support PHP, you must install PHP.

Here is a link to a good tutorial from PHP.net on how to install PHP5: http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.php
Download PHP

Download PHP for free here: http://www.php.net/downloads.php
Download MySQL Database

Download MySQL for free here: http://www.mysql.com/downloads/index.html
Download Apache Server

Download Apache for free here: http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi

Basic PHP Syntax

A PHP scripting block always starts with . A PHP scripting block can be placed anywhere in the document.

On servers with shorthand support enabled you can start a scripting block with .

For maximum compatibility, we recommend that you use the standard form (


A PHP file normally contains HTML tags, just like an HTML file, and some PHP scripting code.

Below, we have an example of a simple PHP script which sends the text "Hello World" to the browser:

echo "Hello World";

Each code line in PHP must end with a semicolon. The semicolon is a separator and is used to distinguish one set of instructions from another.

There are two basic statements to output text with PHP: echo and print. In the example above we have used the echo statement to output the text "Hello World".

Note: The file must have the .php extension. If the file has a .html extension, the PHP code will not be executed.
Comments in PHP

In PHP, we use // to make a single-line comment or /* and */ to make a large comment block.

//This is a comment

This is
a comment


PHP Variables

Variables are used for storing values, such as numbers, strings or function results, so that they can be used many times in a script.
Variables in PHP

Variables are used for storing a values, like text strings, numbers or arrays.

When a variable is set it can be used over and over again in your script

All variables in PHP start with a $ sign symbol.

The correct way of setting a variable in PHP:

$var_name = value;

New PHP programmers often forget the $ sign at the beginning of the variable. In that case it will not work.

Let's try creating a variable with a string, and a variable with a number:

$txt = "Hello World!";
$number = 16;

PHP is a Loosely Typed Language

In PHP a variable does not need to be declared before being set.

In the example above, you see that you do not have to tell PHP which data type the variable is.

PHP automatically converts the variable to the correct data type, depending on how they are set.

In a strongly typed programming language, you have to declare (define) the type and name of the variable before using it.

In PHP the variable is declared automatically when you use it.
Variable Naming Rules

* A variable name must start with a letter or an underscore "_"
* A variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _ )
* A variable name should not contain spaces. If a variable name is more than one word, it should be separated with underscore ($my_string), or with capitalization ($myString)

PHP String

A string variable is used to store and manipulate a piece of text.
Strings in PHP

String variables are used for values that contains character strings.

In this tutorial we are going to look at some of the most common functions and operators used to manipulate strings in PHP.

After we create a string we can manipulate it. A string can be used directly in a function or it can be stored in a variable.

Below, the PHP script assigns the string "Hello World" to a string variable called $txt:

$txt="Hello World";
echo $txt;

The output of the code above will be:

Hello World

Now, lets try to use some different functions and operators to manipulate our string.
The Concatenation Operator

There is only one string operator in PHP.

The concatenation operator (.) is used to put two string values together.

To concatenate two variables together, use the dot (.) operator:

$txt1="Hello World";
echo $txt1 . " " . $txt2;

The output of the code above will be:

Hello World 1234

If we look at the code above you see that we used the concatenation operator two times. This is because we had to insert a third string.

Between the two string variables we added a string with a single character, an empty space, to separate the two variables.
Using the strlen() function

The strlen() function is used to find the length of a string.

Let's find the length of our string "Hello world!":

echo strlen("Hello world!");

The output of the code above will be:


The length of a string is often used in loops or other functions, when it is important to know when the string ends. (i.e. in a loop, we would want to stop the loop after the last character in the string)
Using the strpos() function

The strpos() function is used to search for a string or character within a string.

If a match is found in the string, this function will return the position of the first match. If no match is found, it will return FALSE.

Let's see if we can find the string "world" in our string:

echo strpos("Hello world!","world");

The output of the code above will be:


As you see the position of the string "world" in our string is position 6. The reason that it is 6, and not 7, is that the first position in the string is 0, and not 1.
Complete PHP String Reference

For a complete reference of all string functions, go to our complete PHP String Reference.

The reference contains a brief description and examples of use for each function!

Operators are used to operate on values.
PHP Operators

This section lists the different operators used in PHP.

Arithmetic Operators
Operator Description Example Result
+ Addition x=2
x+2 4
- Subtraction x=2
5-x 3
* Multiplication x=4
x*5 20
/ Division 15/5
5/2 3
% Modulus 5%2 1
10%8 2
10%2 0

++ Increment x=5
x++ x=6
-- Decrement x=5
x-- x=4

Assignment Operators
Operator Example Is The Same As
= x=y x=y
+= x+=y x=x+y
-= x-=y x=x-y
*= x*=y x=x*y
/= x/=y x=x/y
.= x.=y x=x.y
%= x%=y x=x%y

Comparison Operators

Operator Description Example
== is equal to 5==8 returns false
!= is not equal 5!=8 returns true
> is greater than 5>8 returns false
< is less than 5<8 returns true
>= is greater than or
equal to 5>=8 returns false
<= is less than or
equal to 5<=8 returns true

Logical Operators
Operator Description Example
&& and x=6
(x < 10 && y > 1) returns true
|| or x=6
(x==5 || y==5) returns false
! not x=6
!(x==y) returns true

PHP If...Else Statements

The if, elseif and else statements in PHP are used to perform different actions based on different conditions.
Conditional Statements

Very often when you write code, you want to perform different actions for different decisions.

You can use conditional statements in your code to do this.

* if...else statement - use this statement if you want to execute a set of code when a condition is true and another if the condition is not true
* elseif statement - is used with the if...else statement to execute a set of code if one of several condition are true

The If...Else Statement

If you want to execute some code if a condition is true and another code if a condition is false, use the if....else statement.

if (condition)
code to be executed if condition is true;
code to be executed if condition is false;


The following example will output "Have a nice weekend!" if the current day is Friday, otherwise it will output "Have a nice day!":

if ($d=="Fri")
echo "Have a nice weekend!";
echo "Have a nice day!";

If more than one line should be executed if a condition is true/false, the lines should be enclosed within curly braces:

if ($d=="Fri")
echo "Hello!
echo "Have a nice weekend!";
echo "See you on Monday!";

The ElseIf Statement

If you want to execute some code if one of several conditions are true use the elseif statement

if (condition)
code to be executed if condition is true;
elseif (condition)
code to be executed if condition is true;
code to be executed if condition is false;


The following example will output "Have a nice weekend!" if the current day is Friday, and "Have a nice Sunday!" if the current day is Sunday. Otherwise it will output "Have a nice day!":

if ($d=="Fri")
echo "Have a nice weekend!";
elseif ($d=="Sun")
echo "Have a nice Sunday!";
echo "Have a nice day!";

PHP If...Else Statements
previous next

The if, elseif and else statements in PHP are used to perform different actions based on different conditions.
Conditional Statements

Very often when you write code, you want to perform different actions for different decisions.

You can use conditional statements in your code to do this.

* if...else statement - use this statement if you want to execute a set of code when a condition is true and another if the condition is not true
* elseif statement - is used with the if...else statement to execute a set of code if one of several condition are true

The If...Else Statement

If you want to execute some code if a condition is true and another code if a condition is false, use the if....else statement.

if (condition)
code to be executed if condition is true;
code to be executed if condition is false;


The following example will output "Have a nice weekend!" if the current day is Friday, otherwise it will output "Have a nice day!":

if ($d=="Fri")
echo "Have a nice weekend!";
echo "Have a nice day!";

If more than one line should be executed if a condition is true/false, the lines should be enclosed within curly braces:

if ($d=="Fri")
echo "Hello!
echo "Have a nice weekend!";
echo "See you on Monday!";

The ElseIf Statement

If you want to execute some code if one of several conditions are true use the elseif statement

if (condition)
code to be executed if condition is true;
elseif (condition)
code to be executed if condition is true;
code to be executed if condition is false;


The following example will output "Have a nice weekend!" if the current day is Friday, and "Have a nice Sunday!" if the current day is Sunday. Otherwise it will output "Have a nice day!":

if ($d=="Fri")
echo "Have a nice weekend!";
elseif ($d=="Sun")
echo "Have a nice Sunday!";
echo "Have a nice day!";

how to Fix Task Manager

Fix Task Manager
Task Manager Fix merupakan freeware sistem utilitas untuk memperbaiki tugas manajer yang telah dinonaktifkan oleh spywares, trojans dan menampilkan pesan kesalahan: "Task Manager telah dinonaktifkan oleh administrator Anda", yang blok aksesnya ke Windows Task Manager.
Bila Anda mencoba untuk membuka Windows Task Manager, dengan menekan CTRL + ALT + DEL yang sering muncul error berikut:
"Task Manager telah dinonaktifkan oleh administrator Anda"
INSTANT solusi untuk masalah - "Task Manager Tidak Bekerja"

pesan kesalahan ini muncul karena pembatasan ditempatkan dalam Windows Registry. Satu dapat dengan mudah mengaktifkan Task Manager dengan mengedit registri beberapa pengaturan. Untuk pengguna biasa mengedit registri tidak mudah dan sedikit beresiko.

Task Manager Fix dirancang untuk mengaktifkan Task Manager kembali yang telah dinonaktifkan. Download GRATIS Task Manager Fix. sistem pemulihan alat untuk menghilangka tugas manajer dan efektif solusi untuk masalah - "Task Manager tidak Bekerja".

Task Manager fix

"Freeware adalah hak cipta perangkat lunak komputer yang tersedia untuk digunakan secara gratis, untuk waktu yang tidak terbatas, karena bertentangan dengan shareware dimana pengguna diminta untuk membayar (misalnya setelah beberapa periode percobaan atau fungsionalitas tambahan)

download (Task Manager Fix v2.0) is FREEWARE

Jumat, 27 Maret 2009

Introduction to Web Multimedia (ENGLISH)

Introduction to Web Multimedia

Multimedia is
pictures, sounds, music, animations and videos.

Modern web browsers have support for many multimedia formats.
What is Multimedia?

Multimedia is everything you can hear or see: texts, books, pictures, music, sounds, CDs, videos, DVDs, Records, Films, and more.

Multimedia comes in many different formats. On the Internet you will find many of these elements embedded in web pages, and today's web browsers have support for a number of multimedia formats.

In this tutorial you will learn about different multimedia formats and how to use them in your web pages.
Browser Support

The first Internet browsers had support for text only, and even the text support was limited to a single font in a single color, and little or nothing else.

Then came web browsers with support for colors, fonts and text styles, and the support for pictures was added.

The support for sounds, animations and videos is handled in different ways by different browsers. Some elements can be handled inline, some requires a plug-in and some requires an ActiveX control.

You will learn more about this in the next chapters.
Multimedia Formats

Multimedia elements (like sounds or videos) are stored in media files.

The most common way to discover the media type is to look at the file extension.

When a browser sees the file extensions .htm or .html, it will assume that the file is an HTML page. The .xml extension indicates an XML file, and the .css extension indicates a style sheet.

Picture formats are recognized by extensions like .gif and .jpg.

Multimedia elements also have their own file formats with different extensions.

You will learn more about media file extensions in the next chapters.

Multimedia Sound Formats

Sound can be stored in many different formats.
The MIDI Format

The MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a format for sending music information between electronic music devices like synthesizers and PC sound cards.

The MIDI format was developed in 1982 by the music industry. The MIDI format is very flexible and can be used for everything from very simple to real professional music making.

MIDI files do not contain sampled sound, but a set of digital musical instructions (musical notes) that can be interpreted by your PC's sound card.

The downside of MIDI is that it cannot record sounds (only notes). Or, to put it another way: It cannot store songs, only tunes.

Click here to play The Beatles.

The upside of the MIDI format is that since it contains only instructions (notes), MIDI files can be extremely small. The example above is only 23K in size but it plays for nearly 5 minutes.

The MIDI format is supported by many different software systems over a large range of platforms. MIDI files are supported by all the most popular Internet browsers.

Sounds stored in the MIDI format have the extension .mid or .midi.
The RealAudio Format

The RealAudio format was developed for the Internet by Real Media. The format also supports video.

The format allows streaming of audio (on-line music, Internet radio) with low bandwidths. Because of the low bandwidth priority, quality is often reduced.

Sounds stored in the RealAudio format have the extension .rm or .ram.
The AU Format

The AU format is supported by many different software systems over a large range of platforms.

Sounds stored in the AU format have the extension .au.
The AIFF Format

The AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) was developed by Apple.

AIFF files are not cross-platform and the format is not supported by all web browsers.

Sounds stored in the AIFF format have the extension .aif or .aiff.
The SND Format

The SND (Sound) was developed by Apple.

SND files are not cross-platform and the format is not supported by all web browsers.

Sounds stored in the SND format have the extension .snd.
The WAVE Format

The WAVE (waveform) format is developed by IBM and Microsoft.

It is supported by all computers running Windows, and by all the most popular web browsers.

Sounds stored in the WAVE format have the extension .wav.
The MP3 Format (MPEG)

MP3 files are actually MPEG files. But the MPEG format was originally developed for video by the Moving Pictures Experts Group. We can say that MP3 files are the sound part of the MPEG video format.

MP3 is one of the most popular sound formats for music recording. The MP3 encoding system combines good compression (small files) with high quality. Expect all your future software systems to support it.

Sounds stored in the MP3 format have the extension .mp3, or .mpga (for MPG Audio).
What Format To Use?

The WAVE format is one of the most popular sound format on the Internet, and it is supported by all popular browsers. If you want recorded sound (music or speech) to be available to all your visitors, you should use the WAVE format.

The MP3 format is the new and upcoming format for recorded music. If your website is about recorded music, the MP3 format is the choice of the future.

Multimedia Video Formats

Video can be stored in many different formats.
The AVI Format

The AVI (Audio Video Interleave) format was developed by Microsoft.

The AVI format is supported by all computers running Windows, and by all the most popular web browsers. It is a very common format on the Internet, but not always possible to play on non-Windows computers.

Videos stored in the AVI format have the extension .avi.
The Windows Media Format

The Windows Media format is developed by Microsoft.

Windows Media is a common format on the Internet, but Windows Media movies cannot be played on non-Windows computer without an extra (free) component installed. Some later Windows Media movies cannot play at all on non-Windows computers because no player is available.

Videos stored in the Windows Media format have the extension .wmv.
The MPEG Format

The MPEG (Moving Pictures Expert Group) format is the most popular format on the Internet. It is cross-platform, and supported by all the most popular web browsers.

Videos stored in the MPEG format have the extension .mpg or .mpeg.
The QuickTime Format

The QuickTime format is developed by Apple.

QuickTime is a common format on the Internet, but QuickTime movies cannot be played on a Windows computer without an extra (free) component installed.

Videos stored in the QuickTime format have the extension .mov.
The RealVideo Format

The RealVideo format was developed for the Internet by Real Media.

The format allows streaming of video (on-line video, Internet TV) with low bandwidths. Because of the low bandwidth priority, quality is often reduced.

Videos stored in the RealVideo format have the extension .rm or .ram.
The Shockwave (Flash) Format

The Shockwave format was developed by Macromedia.

The Shockwave format requires an extra component to play. This component comes preinstalled with the latest versions of Netscape and Internet Explorer.

Videos stored in the Shockwave format have the extension .swf.

Playing Sounds On The Web
Previous Next

Sounds can be played "inline" or by a "helper", depending on the HTML element you use.
Inline Sound

When sound is included in a web page, or as part of a web page, it is called inline sound.

If you plan to use inline sounds in your web applications, be aware that many people find inline sound annoying. Also note that some users might have turned off the inline sound option in their browser.

Our best advice is to include inline sound only in web pages where the user expects to hear the sound. An example of this is a page which opens after the user has clicked on a link to hear a recording.
Using A Helper (Plug-In)

A helper application is a program that can be launched by the browser to "help" playing sound. Helper applications are also called Plug-Ins.

Helper applications can be launched using the or the tag.

One great advantage of using a helper application is that you can let some (or all) of the player settings be controlled by the user.

Most helper applications allows manually (or programmed) control over the volume settings and play functions like rewind, pause, stop and play.
Using The Tag

The purpose of the tag is to embed multimedia elements in web page.

The following code fragment displays a MIDI file embedded in a web page.

Try it yourself

Note: The tag is deprecated. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommend using the tag instead.
Using The Tag

The purpose of the tag is to embed multimedia elements in web page.

The following code fragment displays a WAVE file embedded in a web page.

Try it yourself

Using A Hyperlink

If a web page includes a hyperlink to a media file, most browsers will use a "helper application" to play the file.

The following code fragment displays a link to a MIDI file. If a user clicks on the link, the browser will launch a helper application, like Windows Media Player to play the MIDI file:
Play the Beatles

Try it yourself

Playing Videos On The Web

Videos can be played "inline" or by a "helper", depending on the HTML element you use.
Inline Videos

When a video is included in a web page it is called inline video.

If you plan to use inline videos in your web applications, be aware that many people find inline videos annoying. Also note that some users might have turned off the inline video option in their browser.

Our best advice is to include inline videos only in web pages where the user expects to see a video. An example of this is a page which opens after the user has clicked on a link to see the video.
Using A Helper (Plug-In)

A helper application is a program that can be launched by the browser to "help" playing a video. Helper applications are also called Plug-Ins.

Helper applications can be launched using the or the tag.

One great advantage of using a helper application is that you can let some (or all) of the player settings be controlled by the user.

Most helper applications allow manual (or programmed) control over the volume settings and play functions like rewind, pause, stop and play.
Using The Tag

The purpose of the tag is to embed multimedia elements in web page.

The following code fragment displays an AVI file embedded in a web page:

Note: The tag is deprecated. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommend using the tag instead.
Using The Tag

The purpose of the tag is to embed multimedia elements in web page.

The following code fragment displays an AVI file embedded in a web page:

Using A Hyperlink

If a web page includes a hyperlink to a media file, most browsers will use a "helper application" to play the file.

The following code fragment displays a link to an AVI file. If a user clicks on the link, the browser will launch a helper application, like Windows Media Player to play the AVI file:
Play a video file

Windows Multimedia Formats

Windows media files have the extensions: .asf, .asx, .wma, and .wmv.
The ASF Format

The ASF format (Advanced Streaming Format) is specially designed to run over the Internet.

ASF files can contain audio, video, slide shows, and synchronized events.

ASF files can be highly compressed and can be delivered as a continuous flow of data (on-line TV or radio). Files can be of any size, and can be compressed to match many different bandwidths (connection speeds).
The ASX Format

ASX (Advanced Stream Redirector) files are not media files, but metafiles.

Metafiles provides information about files. ASX files are plain text files used to describe multimedia content:

Holiday 2001

The file above describes three multimedia files. When the ASX file is read by a player, the player can play the files described.
The WMA Format

The WMA (Windows Media Audio) format is an audio format developed by Microsoft.

WMA is designed to handle all types of audio content. The files can be highly compressed and can be delivered as a continuous flow of data (on-line radio). WMA files can be of any size, and be compressed to match many different bandwidths (connection speeds).

The WMA format is similar to the ASF format (see above)
The WMV Format

The WMV (Windows Media Video) format is a video format developed by Microsoft.

WMV is designed to handle all types of video content. The files can be highly compressed and can be delivered as a continuous flow of data (on-line radio). WMV files can be of any size, and be compressed to match many different bandwidths (connection speeds).

The WMV format is similar to the ASF format (see above)
Other Windows Media Formats

WAX (Windows Media Audio Redirector) files are much the same as ASX files, but intended to describe audio files (.wma files)

WMP (Windows Media Player) files and WMX are reserved file types for future use by Windows

The Object Element

The object element supports many different media types, like:

*Other Objects

Displaying A Picture

You can display a picture as an object:
type="image/jpeg" data="audi.jpeg">

Try it yourself

Displaying A Web Page

You can display a web page as an object:

Try it yourself

Displaying A Sound

You can display a sound as an object:

Try it yourself

Displaying A Video

You can display a video as an object:

Try it yourself

Displaying A Calendar

You can display a calendar as an object:

Try it yourself

Displaying Graphics

You can display graphics as an object:
value="setFillColor(255, 0, 255)">
value="Oval(-100, -50, 200, 100, 30)">

Try it yourself

Displaying Flash

You can display a flash animation as an object:

Try it yourself


What you should already know

What is Flash?

* Flash is a multimedia graphics program specially for use on the Web
* Flash enables you to create interactive "movies" on the Web
* Flash uses vector graphics, which means that the graphics can be scaled to any size without losing clarity/quality
* Flash does not require programming skills and is easy to learn

Flash vs. Animated Images and Java Applets

Animated images and Java applets are often used to create dynamic effects on Web pages.

The advantages of Flash are:

* Flash loads much faster than animated images
* Flash allows interactivity, animated images do not
* Flash does not require programming skills, java applets do

Who can View Flash?

In September 2000, NPD Research, the parent company of MediaMetrix, conducted a study to determine what percentage of Web browsers have Flash preinstalled. The results show that 96.4% of Web users can experience Macromedia Flash content without having to download and install a player.

If you do not have the Shockwave Player installed you can download it for free from Adobe's site.
Who can Create Flash Movies?

To create your own Flash movies you need to buy a Flash program.

The latest version from Adobe is Adobe Flash Lite (or Flash CS3 Pro).

If you do not have a Flash program, you can download a 30 days free trial version of Flash from Adobe.
Where to Start?

After you have installed Flash, you should go through the lessons that are included in the program. Start Adobe Flash, click Help in the menu and choose Lessons. These lessons will teach you the basics of Flash.


Flash in HTML

Flash Embedded in HTML

After creating a Flash movie you choose File > Save As from the top menu to save your movie. Save the file as "Somefilename.fla".

To embed the Flash movie you just made into an HTML page, you should go back to your Flash program and do the following steps:

Step 1
Choose File > Open. Open a Flash movie you have created.

Step 2
Choose File > Export Movie.

Step 3
Name the file "somefilename.swf". Choose the location where the file is to be stored (in your Web folder). Click OK.

Step 4
Open the HTML page where you want to insert your Flash movie. Insert this code:

Note: This is the minimum code you need to embed a Flash movie in a browser. A broken icon will appear on the Web page if the user does not have the Flash plug-in installed.

Note: In the code above there is both an tag and an tag. This is because the tag is recognized by Internet Explorer, and Netscape recognizes the tag and ignores the tag.

Step 5
Type in the address of the HTML file in your browser and look at your first Flash movie.
Let the Flash Program do the Work

The code above is the absolute minimum code to embed Flash movies in HTML pages. It is not recommended to use the minimum code. There should be a few more attributes added:

* classid is an attribute to the tag. It tells Internet Explorer to load the ActiveX plug-in if it is not installed
* pluginspage is an attribute to the tag. It displays a link to the Shockwave download page if Netscape does not have it

The Flash program can add these attributes for you:

Step 1
Choose File > Publish. Flash will now create the , , and tags for you. It will also create the classid and pluginspage attributes.

Step 2
Open the HTML document that Flash created, view the HTML source and copy the code into your HTML page where you want your Flash movie.

Step 3
Be sure that you have the "somefilename.swf" in your Web folder.

Step 4
Type in the address of the HTML file in your browser and look at your first Flash movie.

Flash Tweening

Tweening comes from the words "in between".

With Tweening you can go from one keyframe to another and specify changes in the animation and let the Flash program create the frames in between.

In this example you will learn how to make an object move across the screen.


Step 1
Create a small circle to the left in the Stage area. Do this by selecting the circle tool from the left toolbar. Draw the circle in the Stage area.

Step 2
Select the Arrow tool from the left toolbar. Double-click on the circle to select it.

Step 3
Now we have to convert the circle to a symbol. When the circle is converted to a symbol we can create instances of the circle. From the top menu choose Modify > Convert to Symbol. Name the symbol "Ball", and select OK.

Step 4
Go to Frame 10 in the Timeline. Do this by clicking the gray field below 10. Then right click in this field. Choose Insert Keyframe. Keyframes appear as circles in a frame. This operation duplicates the image.

Note: A keyframe specifies changes in an animation. You create keyframes at important points in the Timeline and let Flash create the frames in between.

Step 5
Select the circle and move it to the right a couple of inches.

Step 6
Click on the Timeline any place between Frame 1 and Frame 10. Then right click and choose Create Motion Tween.

Step 7
Choose Control > Test Movie from the top menu to test your Flash movie.

Flash Guide Tweening

With Motion Guide Tweening you can move an object from one location to another along a specified path.

In this example you will learn how to draw a path an object should follow.


Step 1
Choose Window > Common Libraries > Graphics. Select the image you want to use. In this example we have used a blue mouse.

Step 2
Click on the image and drag it outside the left edge of the Stage.

Step 3
Go to Frame 40 in the Timeline. Do this by clicking the gray field below 40. Then right click in this field. Choose Insert Keyframe. Keyframes appear as circles in a frame. This operation duplicates the image.

Step 4
Click on the Timeline any place between Frame 1 and Frame 40. Then right click and choose Create Motion Tween.

Step 5
Right click on Layer 1 (Click on the layer name, where it says "Layer 1"). Choose Add Motion Guide in the pop-up menu. The Flash program will now insert a motion guide layer on top of layer 1. Motion guide layers are used to draw lines an animated symbol should follow.

Step 6
Click on the Motion Guide Layer to make sure it is the active layer (Click on the layer name, where it says "Guide: Layer 1").

Step 7
Click on the Pencil tool in the left toolbox. Set the Pencil Mode to Smooth (in the Options section of the left toolbox).

Step 8
Draw a line. Begin on the image and draw a line to the other side of the Stage.

Step 9
Go back to Frame 1 in the Timeline. Click on the Arrow tool in the left toolbox. Select the "Snap to Objects" button in the Options section of the left toolbox.

Step 10
Place the image with its center on the beginning of the motion guide (the black line you have drawn with the Pencil). The center of the image shows as a +. A black circle appears when the image is snapped to the motion guide. Release the mouse button when the image is snapped to the guide.

Step 11
Go to Frame 40. Place the image with its center on the end of the motion guide.

Step 12
Choose Control > Test Movie from the top menu to test your Flash movie.
Is your Flash Movie Playing too Fast?

You can control this by selecting Modify > Movie from the top menu. A Movie Properties box will show. The Frame Rate field sets how many frames to display per second. Adjust the number to a lower number, and test your movie again.

Flash Tint Tweening

With Tint Tweening you can change the color of an object.

In this example you will learn how to change the color of an object.


Step 1
Choose Insert > New Symbol.

Note: To add Tint effects the object must be a symbol.

Step 2
Name the symbol "changecolor" and select the Graphic option in Behavior. Click OK.

Note: You will now be taken to the symbol generator in the Flash program. Here you create symbols. Symbols can be dragged to the stage of your movie after you have created them.

Step 3
Choose the Text tool in the left toolbox. Choose Text > Size > 36 from the top menu to make the text big. Choose Text > Style > Bold to make the text thick.

Step 4
Click in the work area and write "Color Changing Text".

Step 5
Jump back to the movie. Do this by choosing Edit > Edit Movie.

Step 6
Insert the symbol you just created into the movie. Choose Window > Library. Select the "changecolor" symbol and drag it into the middle of the Stage.

Step 7
Insert a keyframe in Frame 15 and in Frame 30.

Step 8
Go to Frame 15. Right click on the text in the Stage. In the pop-up menu, choose Panels > Effect.

Step 9
Choose Tint from the drop down menu. A color map will show. Set the colors to: R=0, G=255, B=0.

Step 10
Click on the Timeline any place between Frame 1 and Frame 15. Then right click and choose Create Motion Tween.

Step 11
Click on the Timeline any place between Frame 15 and Frame 30. Then right click and choose Create Motion Tween.

Step 12
Choose Control > Test Movie from the top menu to test your Flash movie.

Flash Shape Tweening

With Shape Tweening you can change one object into another.

In this example you will learn how to change one object into another.


Step 1
Choose the Text tool in the left toolbox. Choose Text > Size > 48 from the top menu to make the text big. Choose Text > Style > Bold to make the text thick.

Step 2
Click in the work area and write "Hello".

Step 3
Right click on the text you just wrote and choose Panels > Align from the pop-up menu.

Step 4
In the Align box select the "To Stage" button first. Then click on the "Align Horizontal Center" button and the "Align Vertical Center" button. Close the Align box.

Step 5
Select the Arrow Tool and click on the text. Choose Modify > Break Apart from the top menu.

Step 6
Insert keyframes at Frame 24, 50 and 51.

Step 7
Delete the text "Hello" in Frame 24. Select it and press the Delete button on your keyboard.

Step 8
Write a new text on the Stage. Write "World!" (Font size: 48, style: bold).

Step 9
Right click on the text you just wrote and choose Panels > Align from the pop-up menu. In the Align box select the "To Stage" button first. Then click on the "Align Horizontal Center" button and the "Align Vertical Center" button. Close the Align box

Step 10
Select the Arrow Tool and click on the text. Choose Modify > Break Apart from the top menu.

Step 11
Insert a keyframe in Frame 26.

Step 12
Double click the keyframe in Frame 1. In the small pop-up box click on the Frame tab. Set Tweening to Shape. Close the pop-up box.

Step 13
Double click the keyframe in Frame 26. In the small pop-up box click on the Frame tab. Set Tweening to Shape. Close the pop-up box.

Step 14
Double click the keyframe in Frame 51. In the large pop-up box click on the Frame Actions tab. Click on the + sign. Choose Basic Actions > Go To. Close the pop-up boxes.

Step 15
Choose Control > Test Movie from the top menu to test your Flash movie.

Flash Button 1


In this example you will learn how to insert an image, convert it to a button, and add a URL to it so it becomes a link.


Step 1
Choose File > Import to import an image that will become a button. Locate the image and click Open. The image will be saved in the Library.

Step 2
Select the image with the Arrow tool.

Step 3
Convert the image to a symbol. Choose Insert > Convert to Symbol from the top menu. Name the symbol "button", choose Button from the Behavior list and click OK.

Step 4
Right click on the image. Choose Actions from the pop-up menu.

Step 5
In the Object Actions box click on the + sign. Choose Basic Actions > Get URL.

Step 6
Enter a full URL in the URL field (like http://www.w3schools.com).

Step 7
Choose target in the Window field. Close the Object Actions box.

Step 8
Choose Control > Test Movie from the top menu to test your Flash movie.

Flash Button 2


In this example you will learn how to create your own button and add a URL to it so it becomes a link.


Step 1
Choose Insert > New Symbol from the top menu.

Step 2
Name the symbol "button", choose Button from the Behavior list and click OK. In the Timeline area, you will now see the four states of a button: up, over, down, hit.

Step 3
Select the Rectangle tool, pick a light red Fill Color and draw a rectangle in the work area.

Step 4
Select the Text tool, pick a dark Fill Color and write "Click Me" over the rectangle.

Step 5
Select the Arrow tool and place the text in the middle of the rectangle.

Step 6
Add a keyframe to the Over State in the Timeline. The Over State indicates what should happen when you mouse over the button.

Step 7
Select the Rectangle, change the Fill color to a light green.

Step 8
Choose Edit > Edit Movie to go back to the movie.

Step 9
Choose Window > Library to locate the button. Drag the button into the work area.

Step 10
Right click on the image. Choose Actions from the pop-up menu.

Step 11
In the Object Actions box click on the + sign. Choose Basic Actions > Get URL.

Step 12
Enter a full URL in the URL field (like http://www.w3schools.com).

Step 13
Choose target in the Window field. Close the Object Actions box.

Step 14
Choose Control > Test Movie from the top menu to test your Flash movie.

Flash Animation


Step 1
Insert a text in the upper left corner of the Stage area. Do this by selecting the text tool from the left toolbar. Write some text in the "textarea".

Step 2
Select the arrow tool from the left toolbar. Click on the text once to select it.

Step 3
Convert the text to a symbol. From the top menu choose Insert > Convert to Symbol. Name the symbol "text", choose graphic from the Behavior list and select OK.

Step 4
Go to Frame 30 in the Timeline. Do this by clicking the gray field below 30. Then right click in this field. Choose Insert Keyframe. Keyframes appear as circles in a frame.

Step 5
Click on the Timeline any place between Frame 1 and Frame 30. Then right click and choose Create Motion Tween.

Step 6
Go back to Frame 30 in the Timeline. Move the text to the lower right corner.

Step 7
Make sure the text is selected. Choose Modify > Transform > Flip Horizontal.

Step 8
Choose Control > Test Movie from the top menu to test your Flash movie. The text should move from the first location (in frame 1) to the second location (in frame 2). The text should also turn around on its way to the second location.

Flash Sound


Step 1
Choose File > Import to import a sound file. Locate the sound file and click Open. The sound file will be saved in the Library.

Step 2
Click in the first frame of "Layer 1" in the Timeline. Choose Window > Panels > Sound from the top menu.

Step 3
In the pop up window (Sound) choose the sound you imported in the Sound field. Choose Stream in the Sync field. Close the pop up window.

Step 4
Go to frame 50 in the Timeline. Right click and choose Insert Frame.

Step 5
Choose Control > Test Movie from the top menu to test your Flash movie.

Rabu, 25 Maret 2009

Mastering Photoshop's Clone Stamp Tool (ENGLISH)

Mastering Photoshop's Clone Stamp Tool

Photoshop's Clone Stamp Tool is one of Photoshop's most powerful tools. At its most basic, it simply copies (or "clones") one area of an image over another. Using this relatively simple concept, though, you can actually cover a lot of ground when it comes to editing or repairing your digital photographs.

NOTE: Although this Adobe Photoshop tutorial was written using Photoshop CS2, the Clone Stamp tool has been around since before version 3. No matter what version of Photoshop you're using, you'll find that the Clone Stamp tool behaves in pretty much the same manner as outlined in this Photoshop lesson.

Clone Stamp - The Basics

Even as of Photoshop CS2 (and even Photoshop CS3), I still believe that the Clone Stamp tool is one of the most powerful Photoshop tools available. Although it uses a fairly simple concept of copying one area in an image over another you'll quickly find that the Clone Stamp tool can be very useful in many photo editing and photo repair situations.

Some of the things that you'll find the Clone Stamp tool useful for are:

* Removing small blemishes in photographs (small scars or pimples in portraits, for example)
* Removing objects, such as telephone wires (or even people), from photos
* Repairing tears in scanned images of old photographs
* Removing braces from a smile in portraits
* Fixing stains in scans of older photographs
* ...and tons more

I'm sure that once you've got some hands-on experience with the Clone Stamp tool, you'll find tons of things that it can be used for.

Getting Started with the Clone Stamp

The Clone Stamp tool (see figure 28.1) may seem a bit mysterious in the beginning as far as novice Photoshop users are concerned.

I imagine the trouble, at least partly, is that the tool can be a little intimidating. In fact, if you simply select the Clone Stamp tool and click anywhere within your image, you'll be presented with an error message dialog box such as the one seen in figure 28.2.

NOTE: When using Photoshop CS2 or Photoshop CS3, you may sometimes get an even less informative error dialog box that simply states that there is a program error.

Let's take a look at the error message... the message says, "Could not use the clone stamp because the area to clone has not been defined (Alt-click to define a source point)."

What this message is trying to tell you is that you have not yet selected an area that the tool should use to copy from, and to do so, you should Alt-click the area that you wish to use. That sounds simply enough. Let's take a look at how that's done, and then get in a little practice using the Clone Stamp. I'll be using the image that you see in figure 28.3.

Figure 28.3 is a photograph of my Boxer puppy when she was quite young... you can easily see the potential for puppy mischief in her eyes :) The problem with this particular photograph is that the pup appears to have a leash growing out of the top of her head. This particular photo would certainly be more attractive without the leash, and the best Photoshop tool to help get rid of the leash is the Clone Stamp tool.

Using the Clone Stamp tool it will be possible to cover the leash using some of the surrounding grassy lawn. Figure 28.4 gives you an idea of what the finished image looks like once the leash has been "removed" with the Clone Stamp tool.

Although working with a high-res image is best, you can work along with the image of the Boxer pup if you'd like. If you already have Photoshop open, you can simply drag-n-drop the image from the web page into Photoshop. Alternatively, you can right-click the image and save it somewhere so that you can then open it in Photoshop.

With the image open that you want to work on, zoom-in to the area that needs attention...

To zoom-in, select the Zoom tool near the bottom-right of the toolbar (you can press the 'Z' key to do so) and then click-and-drag around the area that you what to work on. You can see if figure 28.5 that I've zoomed-in on the area with the leash.

Author's picks: Here's a list of 5 of my favorite Photoshop CS2 books, available at Amazon.com.

* Photoshop CS / CS2 Wow! Book, The, 1/e (WOW!)
* Photoshop Artistry: For Photographers Using Photoshop CS2 and Beyond (Voices That Matter)
* Adobe Photoshop CS2 Classroom in a Book
* Photoshop CS2 Killer Tips
* Adobe Photoshop CS2 One-Click Wow! (2nd Edition) (WOW!)

Select the Clone Stamp tool (in Photoshop CS2 it's the fifth icon down on the left in the toolbar).

NOTE: The Clone Stamp tool shares its toolbar place with the Pattern Stamp tool. The Pattern Stamp tool uses a pattern as its source. To see both tools, click and hold down the stamp tool icon and choose the Clone Stamp tool from the flyout menu.

With the Clone Stamp tool selected, take a look at the available options. The options
(see figure 28.6) can be found just below the main menu.

The first icon from the left enables access to any previously stored presets. Next you'll find an icon that enables you to select a brush size and hardness. You can also set the Mode, the Opacity, and the Flow. Finally, you can set the "Aligned" and "Sample All Layers" options. Between the Flow and Aligned options, you can also set the brush so that it behaves like an airbrush.

For now, we'll only be concerned with setting the brush. To follow along, though, make sure that the Aligned option has a checkmark next to it, that the Mode is set to Normal, and that the Opacity and Flow are both set to 100%.

Click the Brush icon and set the size (Master Diameter) of the brush so that it approximates the size of the object (in this case the leash) that you want to clone over. You can see, in figure 28.7, that I've set the brush to about 80 pixels and the hardness to about 50%. You can also see the size of the cursor (it's visible near the buckle of the leash) in the image, and how I've made it a little bigger than the width of the leash.

With the brush set, it's time to begin. Position the mouse near the leash, but not touching it, and hold down the ALT key. Doing so will change the appearance of the cursor as seen in figure 28.8.

Click the mouse to set the "source" area. The source area is where the image data will be copied from, i.e. where you click will be the starting point for the source.

Move the cursor over the leash and click-and-drag to copy some of the grass over the leash (see figure 28.9).

In figure 28.9 you can see that the Clone Stamp tool displays two cursors. The first starts out where you ALT-clicked and the second shows up where you start to click-and-drag. You can see that I've dragged down a little with the tool. As I did so the tool (indicated by the circular cursor) covered the leash with a copy, or "clone" of the grass to the right (from under the crosshair cursor).

Wrapping Up (for now)

There're a couple of things to note here... Firstly, I set the brush to a medium softness. The reason I did so is because the grass in the photograph is a little soft due to the focus being on the pup and not the lawn. If you set the brush too hard in a situation like this, you'll get weird edges where you use the tool. Not good as the best use of the tool leaves no trace of it having been used. Secondly, I set the brush to a size that would cover the leash with one stroke... This works well in this particular situation, and would do so as well if you were covering something like telephone lines. You may have to set a smaller brush and use multiple strokes to cover the object in other situations, though. And lastly, It may be difficult to remove the leash as you get nearer the top of the puppy's head. In this case it would be wise to make a selection around the area so that the brush only covers the leash and not the surrounding head.

I'll cover how you can do that and a whole lot more in the next lesson where we'll explore the settings not covered in this basic lesson. As well, I'll show you some of my favorite tips and techniques for using Photoshop's Clone Stamp tool.

That's it for now... Be sure to check out some of our other Photoshop tutorials, and remember kids, only use your grafX powers for good and not evil :)

Faktor Eksternal dan Internal penyebab sistem komputer lambat

Faktor Internal penyebab sistem komputer lambat

1. Banyak aplikasi yang terinstal

Jika ingin menginstal software sebaiknya yang penting dan dibutuhkan saja, jangan terlalu banyak menginstal software yang tidak digunakan. Hal ini secara otomatis akan mengambil space komputer sehingga pada akhirnya akan mengganggu kerja komputer itu sendiri. Jika sudah terlanjur terinstal, anda dapat menghapusnya dengan cara meng-uninstall aplikasi tersebut dari Control Panel.
2. Banyak file sampah

Ini mungkin yang sering dilupakan banyak orang yaitu tidak mengetahui file-file sampah yang seharusnya dibuang. Yang dimaksud file-file sampah adalah: file pada Recycle Bin, cookies, histroy IE, file bak, file temporary, dll).

Ketika menghapus file yang tidak digunakan, tidak secara otomatis file tersebut akan terhapus dari hardisk. Sebenarnya masih tersimpan dalam folder Recycle Bin, dan jika kita ingin mengambil file tersebut masih bisa. Hapuslah file-file dalam Recycle Bin karena seluruh file tersebut masih mengambil ruang hardisk. Pastikan Anda telah memilih file-file yang memang sudah tidak digunakan lagi, karena ketika mengosongkan seluruh file pada Recycle Bin maka file-file akan terhapus secara permanen dan tidak dapat dikembalikan lagi.

Cookies juga merupakan file sampah yang harus dibersihkan. File tersebut akan selalu muncul ketika sedang melakukan koneksi ke jaringan internet. Anda bisa menghapus cookies dalam Internet Options pada masing-masing browser (IE, Mozilla, Netscape, dll) yang digunakan. Selain cookies, History juga mempengaruhi sistem komputer. Semakin banyak History yang tersimpan semakin besar pula memori yang dibutuhkan.

File-file History secara otomatis akan muncul ketika melakukan koneksi ke jaringan internet. Apabila tidak dibersihkan akan mempengaruhi kerja komputer. Bersihkan file history pada menu Tools > Internet Option pada masing-masing browser yang digunakan.

Ada bebeberapa aplikasi yang secara otomatis menyimpan file cadangan (backup) seperti bak, backup, dan lain-lain. Jadi ketika menyimpan sebuah file, maka file lama akan tetap ada dengan format yang berbeda yaitu file.BAK. Bersihkan file-file ganda yang tidak digunakan, namun harus dipastikan bahwa file terakhir tersimpan adalah file yang akan dipakai.
3. Banyak aplikasi yang terbaca ketika Start Up

Beberapa software ketika pertama kali diinstal menyediakan pilihan yaitu: ikon ditambahkan pada Desktop dan ikon ditambahkan pada Taskbar Quick Launch. Sebaiknya tidak perlu meletakkn ikon program tersebut dalam taskbar karena ketika pertama kali sistem operasi bekerja (Start Up) maka akan membutuhkan waktu lama untuk mengaktifkan program tersebut. Memang secara sepintas akan memudahkan kita menjalankan program tersebut karena tinggal mengklik ikonnya dalam taskbar, namun sebenarnya menjadi beban sistem komputer karena harus menyediakan memori tersendiri.

Hal ini akan memperlambat kerja komputer. Aturlah beberapa aplikasi yang memang dibutuhkan dengan cara mengatur konfigurasi. Jalankan menu Start kemudian pilih Run, ketikkan msconfig. Nonaktifkan aplikasi yang tidak diperlukan ketika Start Up.
4.Manajemen Sistem tidak teratur

Komputer yang sering digunakan juga memerlukan penyegaran, salah satunya adalah dengan cara melakukan Scandisk dan Defragmentasi secara rutin minimal satu bulan sekali. Idealnya satu minggu sekali, tergantung frekuensi penggunaan komputer. Meskipun sesuatu yang sepele, namun sering dilupakan banyak orang. Lakukan Scandisk secara rutin untuk memperbaiki hardisk yang sering crash akibat litrik mati secara mendadak atau hang.

Selain melakukan Scandisk, yang tak kalah pentingnya adalah Defragmentasi secara berkala. Hal ini sangat berguna ketika tingkat penggunaan komputer tinggi. File-file perlu ditempatkan sebagaimana mestinya agar ruang kosong tidak berantakan. Jika ruang penempatan file berantakan bisa mengakibatkan kerja komputer lambat.
5.Pilih Kinerja atau Penampilan

Bagi pengguna Windows XP sebaiknya memperhatikan hal ini agar kerja komputer lebih cepat. Memang penampilan Windows XP sangat bagus, ikon-ikon yang ditampilkan berwarna-warni dengan efek mengkilap. Perlu diketahui, tampilan windows yang bagus tersebut membutuhkan memori yang tidak sedikit. Makanya jangan heran bila semakin lama kerja komputer semakin lambat.

Windows XP menyediakan dua pilihan yaitu Adjust for Best Appereance atau Adjust for Best. Jika memilih Adjust for best app maka lebih mengutamakan penampilan sehingga kinerja komputer mememerlukan memori yang lebih. Hal ini berpengaruh pada kinerja komputer. Sedangkan jika memilih Adjust for best performance maka lebih mengutamakan kinerja komputer dibandingkan penampilan sehingga tampilan Windows XP akan nampak seperti biasa tanpa efek bayangan ataupun mengkilap seperi windows versi sebelumnya.
6.Proses Shutdown tidak sesuai perosedur

Komputer yang sangat lambat bekerja membuat kita kesal dibuatnya, makin hari kian lambat saja. Kadang-kadang komputer langsung hang secara mendadak ketika sedang asyik bekerja. Kita akan mematikan komputer tersebut dengan cara menekan tombol Restart atau Booting. Hal ini dikerenakan kita tidak bisa mematikan komputer melalui proses Shutdown karena semua tombol keyboard tidak berfungsi.

Apabila sering mematikan komputer melalui tombol Booting, lama-lama bisa mengakibatkan sistem operasi tidak berjalan normal dan hardsik akan mengalami kerusakan (bad sector). Hal ini akan memperparah keadaan karena file-file sistem yang ada pada bad sector tidak dapat terbaca, sehingga komputer sering mengalami mati mendadak (hang).

Faktor Eksternal penyebab sistem komputer lambat

Selain faktor internal yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, terdapat pula faktor eksternal yang dapat menghambat sistem kerja komputer diantaranya:

1. Tegangan listrik yang tidak stabil

Listrik merupakan faktor utama pemicu lambatnya komputer dari tegangan yang tidak stabil. Setiap komputer memerlukan adanya aliran listrik yang memadai agar dapat berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Apabila tegangan listrik rendah, komputer tidak dapat beroperasi dengan baik. Begitu pula sebaliknya, jika tegangan listrik terlalu tinggi mengakibatkan komputer akan cepat panas dan mempengaruhi komponen penting dalam komputer.

Ada kalanya tegangan listrik yang ada di rumah kita tidak berjalan stabil alias naik turun. Hal tersebut bisa ditimbulkan oleh penggunaan listrik yang bersama-sama. Misal: menghidupkan televisi, mesin air, lemari es (kulkas), dan komputer secara bersama-sama. Suatu saat mematikan mesin air yang tidak digunakan. Nah, jika kondisinya seperti itu tegangan akan mengalami perubahan naik-turun dan inilah faktor penyebab komputer dan monitor menjadi rusak.

Untuk menghindari hal ini, sebaiknya menggunakan UPS/stabilizer agar ketika listrik mati secara mendadak masih ada aliran listrik dan dapat melakukan shutdown sesuai prosedur.
2. Lingkungan yang berdebu

Debu dapat masuk ke dalam komputer tanpa disadari karena masuk melalui ventilasi cashing komputer yang kecil. Dan proses masuknya debu ke dalam komputer sangat lama, memerlukan waktu minimal tiga bulan tergantung lingkungan rumah kita. Meskipun lingkungan rumah sudah bebas dari debu, jangan menganggap komputer juga terjamin bersih dari debu.

Debu yang menempel pada komponen komputer dapat mengakibatkan sistem kerja komputer akan terhambat. Bersihkan menggunakan kuas yang lembut, jangan menggunakan kemoceng karena bulu-bulunya akan rontok sehingga malah memperparah keadaan.

Komputer yang bekerja makin lambat perlu diidentifikasi sedini mungkin agar faktor-faktor penyebabnya dapat diniminalisasi. Oleh karena setiap hari bergelut dengan komputer, sedikitnya harus dapat menangani sendiri jika komputer mengalami masalah. Periksa dulu apa penyebab komputer tersebut menjadi lambat, jika sudah ditemukan faktor pemicunya segera atasi sendiri sebelum meminta bantuan orang lain.